General Gym Info
24 Hour Access
This is a 24 hour facility. A code to get into the building will be emailed to the address you provide when signing up, and will be changed on the 1st of each month. *CHECK YOUR EMAIL*
That being said, it is considered stealing if you share this code with any non gym-members, and your membership will be revoked immediately.
This facility has an age minimum of 18 years old of members. This is for the safety of both other members and the owner. This is a weightlifting gym. Lift safely, not with your ego. Know your limits, keep it together.
Music will be on at the gym, at a low level at most times. Please bring your own headphones if you don't like the music played. I will try and keep the show tunes to a minimum. No phone speakers permitted.
Wear Clothes
Simple as that. Wear some clothes. Appropriate ones. Sneakers are not required, but no barefoot or open toed shoes. Socks at least if no shoes. *NO OUTSIDE SHOES PAST THE STAIRCASE!*
Clean Equipment
PLEASE always wipe down equipment after each use. It is wonderful to offer a 24 hour facility, but it's up to everyone to keep it that way. Keep it clean, don't make it difficult for everyone else to find things. Put them back where they belong.
Food and Water
No food allowed PAST THE STAIRCASE! Upstairs or down. Finish your snack then go lift. No glass containers in the gym at all. At all. At all.